It’s hard to believe that this year’s Winter Wonderland seasonal event is already wrapping up. Fans have run from Yeti’s, thrown snowballs and broken newer, lesser barriers all throughout the month of December. But, on January 2, the event will come to a close.
Not only will the winter event end on the 2nd, but Overwatch’s competitive season 19 will come to a halt as well. This means that Overwatch’s 20th competitive season will start just one day after we ring in the 2020 new year. Something that hardly seems like a coincidence.
So, make sure to spend this last week earning the Snow Angel Mercy skin and climb the ladder in Season 19 for the final time. 2020 and Overwatch’s 20th season are coming, and there’s sure to be plenty coming with them.
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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