It’s mid-November, which means that Overwatch’s next seasonal event, Winter Wonderland, is right around the corner. During this event, maps will take on the appearance of holiday splendor and players will be gifted with new hero skins and emotes under the tree. And, who knows, there may even be a new map or hero that’s released for those lucky few on Torbjorn’s “Nice” list.
But, how long until all of this is available?
Overwatch has yet to release an official start date, but by using the start dates of year’s past and the current patch schedule, there are some clear cut potential start dates for Overwatch’s 2019 Winter Wonderland event.
[Related: Overwatch’s Latest PTR Patch Notes Severely Nerf Shields & Buff Dive]
Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
Oddly enough, the start date of the winter event has gone sequentially from its debut in 2016. That year, it started on the 13th, in 2017 it was the 12th and in 2018 it was the 11th of December. These were, notably, all on Tuesday. This countdown may not have been something the Overwatch team has intentionally planned out, however, three years in a row is a bit curious, all things considered.
A start date on the 10th would be on a Tuesday, like years past, and would also give the event a clean, three-week runtime until New Year’s Eve on the 31st. Although nothing is officially announced yet, this seems like a pretty clear frontrunner for when the event will begin.
Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
Another possibility, especially in light of the latest PTR patch notes, is a December 3 start date. Typically, patch notes take about 2-3 weeks to arrive on live servers from the PTR. The three-week mark from these patch notes? December 3.
This would be the earliest this event would have started by over a week, so it seems less likely that this will happen over a day in the range of December 10-14. However, Overwatch has released events around their patch notes in the past, so keep an eye out for sometime around the 3rd for this one to get underway.
The Game Haus will continue to provide updates on the winter event’s potential start date, what skins fans can expect, and much more in the coming weeks. Until then, brush up on which heroes are most dominant in the meta currently with our November 2019 Hero Tier List.
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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