With the end of Overwatch Season 26 comes a feeling of starting fresh. Not only does the game normally get a patch, it also marks the beginning of a new ranked season. Players are able to start anew and can try again at reaching their newest goal. Luckily everyone else is in the same boat where they have to play their placements as well so it is fresh for everyone. However, sometimes it is unclear just how long players have until the ranked season ends. Here is a look at when Overwatch Competitive Season 26 will likely end.
[Related: When Does Overwatch Competitive Season 27 Start?]
Even with consistent patches coming out, Overwatch seems to be in a bit of a holding pattern. Echo was said to be the last hero coming out for the original Overwatch until Overwatch 2 came out. Now that it looks like the game is likely going to be delayed, if it hasn’t already been, it would seem to make sense that Blizzard might change its plans. There is no way to know for sure but should a new hero be announced at Blizzcon it would certainly make things interesting for the next few competitive seasons.
Overwatch Season 26 will likely end near the end of the Overwatch Lunar New Year event. That means early March which is about a week after the event ends on February 25.
After an error set it back, it has been confirmed that Overwatch Competitive Season 27 will start on Tuesday, March 9 which is also when Season 26 will end.
It seems likely that there will be no events in Season 27 as the only one that might overlap would be the anniversary event. That is not until May though so it may correlate more with the beginning of Season 28.
Either way, another season for the Overwatch faithful to grind will be coming up soon. With more patches to hit as well, make sure to stay up to date with everything in order to climb faster.
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