With the Overwatch Anniversary Event looming, there arises speculation as to what content will be released with it. Originally, Overwatch launched May 24, 2016. This has placed the anniversary event in the last weeks of May each year. In 2017, it ran from May 21-June 10; 2018 was May 22-June 11; 2019 was May 23-June 12. Logically, this would put the 2020 event from May 24-June 13 if the pattern continues. However, after a lot of speculation, the event will begin on May 19, but what will it entail?.
[Related: Overwatch Anniversary Event Will Start May 19]
Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
Given there have been two new characters since the last Anniversary, each should get a gold-themed Profile Icon as well as a Dance Emote. Sigma is a Dutch scientist, and traditional dance in the Netherlands is commonly associated with wooden clog shoes. To have a normally shoe-less Sigma pull out a pair of clogs and stare at them begrudgingly would fit with his character, and match the light-hearted feel of the Anniversary Event. The other character getting a Dance will likely be Echo. The Singaporean roots of her creator, Dr. Liao, could lend to a traditional dance. But it could go in an entirely different direction as well, which could emphasize the omnic side of her. Whatever it is, expect it to be joyful and bubbly to match her personality.
Moving on to skins, the Overwatch Anniversary Event has some of the most creative skins out of any event due to there not being a theme to build around. 2019 saw Honeydew Mei and Gargoyle Winston, and 2018 saws the Formal Doomfist release.
Looking at the heroes that have gone the longest without receiving a legendary skin, the most obvious candidates for an Anniversary skin are Reinhardt, Zenyatta, Symmetra, Bastion, Baptiste and Soldier: 76. None of these characters have received a legendary skin since the 2019 Archives Event or longer. Symmetra, in particular, has not received a new legendary since the 2018 Winter Wonderland Event. Expect several of these heroes to get new cosmetics thrown their way.
Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
The Overwatch Anniversary Event has always included new announcements or major additions. In 2017, they added three new Arena maps (Black Forest, Castillo and Necropolis). In 2018, they added the Deathmatch game mode. Last year, they revealed the Workshop which has brought about many changes to the game and allowed creativity to flourish. With most of the developers’ resources going into Overwatch 2, there will likely be less of this kind of content output. However, this could be the perfect time to provide more information about Overwatch 2.
The 2018 Anniversary event brought about the Competitive Deathmatch arcade mode. This was repeated in 2019, so expect it to make its 3-week run in this Anniversary Event as well. The current Competitive Open Queue mode is coming to an end, so players should get ready for the transition into Deathmatch.
Just as in years past, the seasonal brawls will be available and on rotation in the Arcade. Players who love modes like Lucioball and Mei’s Snowball Offensive will have several chances to play them again throughout the Anniversary Event. All seasonal skins will be available in loot boxes or for purchase using in-game currency. Players should also receive one Legendary Anniversary loot box guaranteed to contain at least one legendary skin.
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