In the latest Overwatch 2 developer update, the new head of development, Aaron Keller addressed the Overwatch community for the first time. In this update, he revealed some big information. One of the points addressed was that the developers would be doing a Reddit AMA for the fans. The next, and arguably more important point, was that the developers along with Overwatch League players and casters would be doing a livestream of the PVP aspect of Overwatch 2. Now fans are wondering, what is the time and date of the Overwatch 2 livestream?
Fans will be excited to know that they will see plenty of new content. This is a two-hour-long event after all. What will likely be there are some new maps along with the New York and Rome maps already shown. It also sounds like new modes such as the Push mode will be played during this livestream. With all of that, fans will probably also hope to see new heroes such as Sojourn.
Truthfully it would be surprising if some information was not leaked ahead of time or if there were a lot of different things revealed during this event. Overwatch 2 has been waited on for quite a while and not much was said during Blizzconline 2021. So this will likely be the first significant amount of information given to the public since its initial announcement.
Now for the dates and time for the Overwatch 2 livestream. Fans will be happy to know that it will be happening on May 20, 2021 over on the Play Overwatch YouTube channel at 3 pm est/12 pm pst.
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