Overwatch’s annual Anniversary event will officially be underway soon. As always, this means a new collection of skins inspired by different aspects of the heroes and villains of Overwatch. There are also sprays, emotes, game modes and so much more. To help give players a first glimpse, here are all of the Overwatch 2021 Anniversary event skins.
*Note: This will update as more skins are revealed.
[Related: When will Overwatch Anniversary 2021 Begin?]
Funky Baptiste
Venus Moira
Black Cat Sombra
Junkfood Junkrat
Gladiator Doomfist
These skins can be earned through playing.
Cybermedic Ana
Bird of Paradise Echo
8 Ball Wrecking Ball
In what was a bizarre and tumultuous year on its own, the 2020 Overwatch Anniversary actually ran basically when it was meant to. This was different than the Archives event before it which had been moved up.
That said they are continuing with the strategy in terms of new skins and just how many there will be. There are always three skins that are added as ones that people can earn through a sort of battlepass. Essentially the more players play, the more they earn. Then there will be five legendary skins. These skins are normally unique to the hero and show a very different side of them. That or they just match with the theme of the event.
For the 2021 Overwatch Anniversary skins in particular, they are generally just cool skins. Most of the time they have nothing to do with the actual hero or the event. That is why seeing Funky Baptiste or Venus Moria makes some sense. If it were any other event, these interesting skins would not fit because they have nothing to do with any major holiday or season.
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