Jehong ‘Ryujehong’ Ryu is a beloved player within the Overwatch League. For two seasons he was the captain for the Seoul Dynasty before in Season 3 moving to the Vancouver Titans. On stream May 6, he announced that he was a free agent. He assured his fans that he was not going to retire, but take some time for himself as the situation he had come out of was tough. Ryujehong brings not just a top flex support player, but a marketable positive player to any brand. Here are the top three places that would be the best fit for him.
Ryujehong would be most comfortable in a team that is based in Korea. Therefore looking at Ryujehong’s preference these will only be for the teams that are located in Korea as of now.
Courtesy of London Spitfire Instagram
Ryujehong to London Spitfire is an odd move. The London Spitfire are a very young team in the league. This move would give a definite leader to the team that the younger players could look up to. He is good friends with many on the team already. This would reunite him with the support player Sunghyeok ‘Highly’ Lee. The meta has seen two flex supports together in a match. To see Highly and Ryujehong together, which is something never seen within the Seoul Dynasty, would highlight both of their flex support skills. Kyumin ‘Sanguinar’ Lim was a Gen.G trainee and it would be amazing to see the newbie duoing with the legend in a match.
Ryuejehong brings lightheartedness and protectiveness to the younger team. He could bring to the team his experience in the industry as well as game sense within Overwatch.
Courtesy of Jjonak’s Instagram
The NYXL. Do they need Ryujehong? No. Would this be a place for Ryujehong to enjoy his time? Yes. There are many different pulls towards the New York team. Ryujehong in the offseason mentioned that one of the top players he would like to play with was Seungjun ‘Whoru’ Lee. Back in APEX, these two were a huge force to come up against. Hyojong ‘Haksal’ Kim even said in an interview that the reason Whoru was so good was because of the support he received from Ryujehong. This would bring the ‘father’ and ‘son’ back together again.
Ryujehong is good friends with many of the players. Most notably Seonghyun ‘Jjonak’ Bang, the flex support for NYXL, who idolized Ryujehong back in the day. He is also close with players such as Jongryeol ‘Saebyeolbe’ Park and Donggyu ‘Mano’ Kim. This could be a fun team for him to join without the pressure of being a starting member or to be representing all of South Korea in the Overwatch League.
2019-06-08 – Overwatch League 2019 Stage 2 Playoffs / Photo: Robert Paul for Blizzard Entertainment
Tiger Nation has a pinprick of hope. Their captain that many followed to the Titans might come back to the team. As of now, there are only 3 supports on the team in Seungtae ‘Bdosin’ Choi, Jinmo ‘Tobi’ Yang, and Youngwan ‘Creative’ Kim. In the offseason, Tobi on stream said that of course he wanted to stay with Ryuejhong, but didn’t want to influence his choice. They have been working together as a support duo for so long that their synergy is almost as if they are one. They know each other’s quirks and can work together well. With the current losses that the Dynasty have run into another flex support could widen their playstyles.
The players adore him. This would be a homecoming for the captain. Though Ryuejhong moving from the Dynasty was a symbolic parting of a new start of his career, if Ryuejhong decided to come back, no one would bat an eye at it. This would be the return of a king.
This goodbye feels different from the goodbye the Seoul Dynasty gave him. The goodbye doesn’t feel as if it is complete. Ryujehong nano-ed Haksal Genji. He didn’t have that defining moment that many expected. He is more than the few appearances that he had in the Season 3 Overwatch League so far.
Fans would just like to see Ryujehong on a team where he is appreciated and supported. No matter where he goes his fans will loyally follow him. With the reassurance that he is not leaving the esport scene, the community can take a deep breath and wait to see what he inevitably decides to do.
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