Overwatch’s 2020 Lunar New Year event is in full swing, offering players several new skins and cosmetics as well as a new live patch to play on. But, this year’s event also offers players the opportunity to play a new game mode called Capture the Flag: Blitz.
This new Arcade mode is very similar to the previous iteration of CTF, but with one key difference. The flags are much closer together. This creates a more fast-paced game allowing for quicker matches and some nail-biting finishes. So, to make sure players are well-equipped to hop in, here are the best heroes to play in Capture the Flag: Blitz.
New Samul Nori Lucio Skin
One feature of all Overwatch CTF games is that heroes cannot use abilities that enhance movement while holding the flag. However, Lucio can still use his speed boost to help allies move the flag faster as well as using his standard passive speed to move with the flag slightly faster. To slip past enemies in a crowded area, Lucio is a must-pick.
Able to both defend and provide some excellent utility with her Teleporter, Symmetra is a regular jack of all trades in Blitz. When this author used her in-game, she proved valuable to use the turrets to play defensively and protect the flag, but also to help roll fights more quickly and using her turrets to keep enemies from defending their own flag. This versatility makes her very strong in Blitz.
It’s simple, having a shield to protect flag-bearing allies is a strong perk. Reinhardt is also, as a hero, very strong in brawls. This, players will quickly learn, is much of what makes up this chaotic game mode, so consider Reinhardt for high damage and quick ultimates alongside his shield.
New Baptiste Spray
This combo, if used correctly, can make a team very tough to crack. This author played against a full bunker composition with these two at its core and it took some doing to break it up. Pair them with an Orisa and a Lucio/Genji to grab the enemy flag? It’s practically game over.
Overall, there isn’t any one hero that dominates this game mode. In the end, it’s still just as much about winning team fights and working together, making it fit quite nicely into the overall philosophy of Overwatch. Be sure to work together with the rest of the team to have the best result. We’re looking at you, flanking Zenyatta.
Otherwise, be sure to enjoy all of the Lunar New Year festivities and make sure to keep an eye out for the latest changes to the Overwatch League’s jerseys and the GOAT Brigitte skin to celebrate the league’s opening weekend. All this to say, there’s certainly a lot happening in Overwatch right now!
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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