Home » Week 19

Week 19: Seoul Dynasty’s Start towards the Summer Showdown Crown

Publish Date: June 9, 2020

This is a new start to a new month. During the May Melee, the Seoul Dynasty showed a different side of themselves as they flexed onto compositions that were not just double shield. The NYXL are back to full power with Yeonkwan ‘Nenne’ Jeong back to Korea as well as Hyojong ‘Haksal’ Kim being added to the roster. With two powerhouses playing each other, which one of them will come out on top?

NYXL: 10-3-0

The NYXL and the Seoul Dynasty have had a long history together. Lingering memories of the NYXL stomping the Dynasty in Season 1 still haunts Tiger Nation. Many times that tints the way the fans look at the match, though this time around it should be much closer.

The Dynasty should focus on Donggyu ‘Mano’ Kim and Seonghyun ‘Jjonak’ Bang. It is a known fact that the NYXL DPS line is stacked. There are so many multifaceted combinations that the NYXL could pull out. Jjonak is a bloodthirsty support, who pumps out as much damage as a DPS player. During the May Melee he was picked off first in many fights that would then swing in the favor of the opponents.

The NYXL look as if their dive could be one of the strongest with multiple Genji players along with Jongryeol ‘Saebyeolbe’ Park’s Tracer, Mano on Wiston, Hongjun ‘Hotba’ Choi’s Diva, Jjonak, and Taesung ‘Anamo’ Jung on Lucio. The problem is without D.Va the dive is incomplete. Hotba could flex onto a Zarya to have a pseudo dive with bubble over Mano. That is something that took down the Dynasty during the finals against the Shanghai Dragons. How they deal with dive could be a determining factor of whether it will be close or a stomp.

Prediction: 3:2 NYXL

Week 19 OWL

Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

The hero bans of Echo, Sombra, D.Va, and Brig help the Dynasty out a lot. They will not have to deal with being dove as the a dive without D.Va isn’t effective. It is not a secret that playing Echo and against Echo is not a favorite for Seoul. Minseo ‘Marve1’ Hwang also has looked better on D.Va but is definitely more comfortable on his signature sigma or a main tank.

The edge has to go to the team that has a new player. Many times that breathes new life into a team and with the return of Nenne and the addition of Haksal the NYXL are definitely going to be riding that Honeymoon period. The Seoul Dynasty have had a hard time getting their mindset back on track from the Shanghai match.

Player(s) to Watch: The New Supports 

Both the Seoul Dynasty and the NYXL have new support plays who could step in. Both players could show a new side of their team as they add a new dimension into the play styles.

It will be interesting to see if Chanhee ‘Mandu’ Kim, who just turned 18 as of June 3rd is put in. He is a much more aggressive player than Anamo is. During contenders he showed off his Lucio and Baptist skills that helped his old organizations O2 and WGS get Top 5 placings, usually top 2. The aggressive style could match well with the always dangerous Jjonak and could help them control the pace of the fights better.

Sungjun ‘Slime’ Kim comes to the Seoul Dynasty from the Vancouver Titans. His mechanical skills are pretty much even with Jinmo ‘Tobi’ Yang, but their play styles differ quite a bit. Slime has a stable and aggressive Lucio style. Tobi seems to play more on instinct. It will probably boil down to how Seoul wants to play a map.

Both teams if they switch their players in and out for what style they want to play, it can become very telling once an opponent can read what a team will play based on who is playing.

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