Junyoung “Profit” Park announced his retirement from Overwatch. This was surprising to many fans as they believed he would be a part of an OWCS team like some of his peers. If he wasn’t a player, the community thought a natural transition would be for him to move into a coaching role like Jinmo “Tobi” Yang did. Unfortunately for the Overwatch community, it seems like, arguably, the GOAT of Overwatch will be leaving the pro scene.
Profit throughout his whole career has had many achievements. From the beginning of season 4 of APEX where GC Busan royal roaded to during Week 3 of Season 4 of the Overwatch League Profit became the first player to achieve 5,000 final blows. He was the first player to reach 10,000 final blows. On Cloud9’s Overwatch League team in the inaugural season, he did another royal road to win it all at the grand finals where he was announced to be the MVP.
Not only has he reached many milestones in the game, but he is seen throughout the whole community as one of the best. He has played in the OWL since its inception and stayed all the way through. Though he changed teams, he was always seen as a kind older player whom the younger ones could look up to. His skills never fell off and even during the last season, he was pulling out Playoff Profit.
The announcement on Profit’s Twitter account had an outpouring of support. To see how well-loved and respected he is, look at who replied to his tweet. There was Jack Etienne the co-founder and CEO of C9 and the London Spitfire who was Profit’s boss when he was on the London Spitfire in the beginning seasons of the League.
Teammates from the Seoul Dynasty (Jinmo ‘Tobi’ Yang, Hakyong ‘Stalker’ Jeong, Youngwan ‘Creative’ Kim, Sungjun ‘Slime’ Kim, Taesung ‘Anamo’ Jung, Dongeun ‘FITS’ Kim, etc) to other Overwatch League pros like Jake ‘Jake’ Lyon, Joosung ‘Roky’ Park, Dante ‘Danteh’ Cruz, Joon ‘Vigilante’ Kim, etc. Commissioner Sean Miller, as well as many casters and talent like Scott ‘Custa’ Kennedy, Salome ‘Soe’ Gschwind-Repp, Jack ‘Jaws’ Wright, Jonathan ‘Reinforce’ Snowden, etc., also commented on their feelings towards the retirement of Profit. Everyone had great things to say and all expressed their sadness that such a great player and teammate was leaving the scene.
Profit has played a few matches in Korea and Japan with old friends, but none of it seemed serious. Profit has cemented himself as a legend within the Overwatch community. His legacy will live on in his achievements as well as in all the other players that he inspired. Hopefully, the fans will be able to see Profit someday on the stage in whatever capacity he decides. Thank you to Profit the unwavering DPS of the Overwatch League era.
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