The third installment of the ‘London Calling’ comic series released today. Created by Dark Horse comics, this issue deals with the aftermath of Mondatta’s assassination in London. The full issue can be found here, and a quick synopsis is provided below.
Issue 2 largely dealt with the events of the ‘Alive‘ cinematic. Tracer was unable to stop Widowmaker as she killed omnic leader Tekhartha Mondatta. Many in the omnic community blamed Tracer here, especially her new friend Iggy. It seemed as if she chose not to save Mondatta when really she just Recalled out of the path of a perfectly-aligned shot. This assassination brought about Kace, a new leader of the omnic community. Kace is quite set in his values that no human will ever help an omnic, so omnics must fend for themselves.
In this new issue, there is mass mourning after Mondatta’s death. Tracer feels personally responsible while her partner attempts to comfort her and reassure her that it wasn’t her fault. Meanwhile, in the omnic underworld, Kace gives a rousing speech suggesting that omnics should strike back against humans.
Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
Tracer, then fearing war, speeds out to help stop the confrontation between police special ops and protestors (a mixed crowd of humans and omnics). The police arm a sonic pulse cannon and fire it into the crowd, ultimately killing Iggy’s closest omnic friend. She explains that since all omnics are one through the Iris, the whole is now that much smaller.
Following the funeral ceremony, Kace addresses Tracer and brings up her past with Overwatch. He claims Overwatch fought against omnics during the Null Sector uprising, and thus she has already chosen a side in the human-omnic conflict. Kace banishes her from the underworld, and her chronal accelerator malfunctions on her way home. The story ends there, leaving readers excited for issue 4 next month.
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