On both the official Overwatch Twitter header image and via @OverwatchNaeri, it appears that some, if not all, of this year’s Lunar New Year skins have been leaked. Today it was confirmed that this event will go live tomorrow, January 16, featuring the following new skins (according to the leak, not confirmed yet by Blizzard official):
Image Courtesy of @OverwatchNaeri
Image Courtesy of @OverwatchNaeri
Image Courtesy of @OverwatchNaeri
Image Courtesy of @OverwatchNaeri
Image Courtesy of @OverwatchNaeri
Image Courtesy of @OverwatchNaeri
Image Courtesy of @OverwatchNaeri
If these leaks are true, the event will feature seven new skins, including what appear to be four Legendary skins. The three Epic skins will likely be earned through weekly challenges from winning games, along with other sprays and player icons. As with most other events, there is likely to be more coming in this year’s event.
The Game Haus will continue to provide news and updates on what new goodies this event will bring to the game and what other things fans can expect from Overwatch in 2020. Stay tuned!
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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