Overwatch’s latest PTR patch notes, which can be seen here, are now officially on live servers alongside the 2019 Winter Wonderland seasonal event. These notes provide some big changes that have been on many player’s Christmas lists for some time and look to potentially be the end of the double barrier dominance.
From what several players and community members have remarked from playing on the PTR, it appears characters like Orisa and Reinhardt are still strong, despite the nerf to barriers. If this is the case, hitscan DPS heroes and heroes like Zenyatta may continue to struggle to become viable.
There has also been an apparent resurgence of Dive-style play featuring Winston and Wrecking Ball as the primary options at Tank, with characters like Tracer, Genji, Doomfist and Sombra being strong options at DPS. At Support, it appears Lucio will continue to be a staple pick.
For more on the state of the current meta, be sure to check out our latest hero tier list for the month of November and stay tuned in the next few days when December’s tier list goes live.
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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