Overwatch Patch 1.44 hit live servers today, just one week after hitting the PTR. Typically patch notes have 2-3 weeks on the PTR to be adjusted, however, these notes are now live to coincide with Overwatch’s Lunar New Year Event that started today.
As a reminder, these patch notes change the flight frequency of D.Va, the strength of Baptiste’s Immortality Field and much more to heroes like Doomfist, Mei and Hanzo. The full adjustments can be seen as they were first reported on here, but are also available on the Overwatch website.
New Face Changer Sombra Skin
It’s unclear what the ramifications of these changes will yet be, however, once The Game Haus has a firmer grasp on how they affect the meta, be sure to check out our monthly hero tier list to make sure your favorite hero is still in the meta.
In the meantime, be sure to enjoy all of the Lunar New Year festivities and make sure to keep an eye out for the latest changes to the Overwatch League’s jerseys and the GOAT Brigitte skin to celebrate the league’s opening weekend. All this to say, there’s certainly a lot happening in Overwatch right now!
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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