Once again professional Overwatch is showing fairly typical meta trends. Things start out relatively varied in this metagame, but the meta has very quickly stabilized into a select group of heroes that are all seeing a pickrate above 50%. This metagame report will take a weekly look at what’s being picked (and what isn’t) in the Overwatch League. Keep in mind that this is the last week without hero bans, which will likely shake things up to no end. Here’s a look at the current state of the meta.
Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
The Big Six names in this metagame have at this point been clearly defined. The only hero checking in at over 95% usage was D.Va. D.Va’s incredible versatility has made her a major player in several different metagames, and this one is no exception. Her combination of defensive and offensive utility has once again come in clutch for a wide variety of teams.
Not that there’s actually that much variety to begin with right now. Lucio, Reinhardt, Ana, Mei and McCree round out the rest of the best right now. Lucio, Reinhardt, Ana and Mei are all sitting comfortably between 85% and 90% usage. The emphasis on grounded teamfights and combat has led to Mei becoming the most common DPS at the moment. Mei’s disruption tactics have come in handy in this metagame, and teams are running her a ton as a result.
The odd man out here is McCree, who sits comfortably in a bracket all on his own at 66% usage. McCree has greatly improved as a DPS and has come leaping out of the shadows to become the best DPS hitscan by a mile. His relatively new revolver firing speed allows for some obscene damage output when wielded correctly, and these players know how to use him correctly.
Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
Only one other hero sat above the 10% usage threshold: Winston. The gorilla checked in at 10.3% usage, just barely enough to get into the double digits. Moira was next on the list, as her healing style actually works pretty well with grounded offensive playstyles such as this. The OG Talon duo of Reaper and Widowmaker still saw a decent amount of play as well, although Reaper struggles with metas that contain a ton of concentrated healing (like this one) and Widowmaker has stiff competition from McCree.
Overall, this meta is very defined. Usually there are at least a few flex picks sitting at the 20% usage rate or so, but there are none here. Hero bans should shake this up, however. Stay tuned.
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