Overwatch youtube content creator, Overwatch Limbo previously created a tier list ranking the possibilities for Overwatch’s 31st hero based on what kind of information has been released about the characters. Based on how many of the following qualifications apply to each character, they are ranked from “S” all the way down to “E” for less likely possibilities. Seeing as though the 31st hero was a bit of a curveball in Sigma, this list still retains much of its relevance as fans eagerly await Overwatch’s 32nd hero. It has been confirmed that both Echo and Sojourn will be coming, but there is no indication of which will be next. So, to help narrow it down, here are the tiers of potential heroes for Overwatch’s 32nd hero.
This tier list gives a great and comprehensive chart with which fans can theorize and make their predictions for upcoming heroes. There are still some characters in the game’s lore that it did not include, like the other D.Va mech characters, but it is otherwise incredibly thorough in how far back it goes and who it includes.
But, to truly find out who hero 32 will eventually be, all fans can do is continue to wait and keep an eye on any new updates from the OW development team. Based on the curveball that Sigma was, it’s uncertain whether all the hype regarding Junker Queen as the 32nd hero is warranted or merely another distraction.
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