Home » Overwatch 2020 December Meta Tier List
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Overwatch 2020 December Meta Tier List: Double-Shield Returns

Publish Date: December 1, 2020

Overwatch players are now entering the second month in a row of a Double-Shield meta and people are not stoked about it. Despite shields being massively nerfed since the last iteration of the composition, ranked players still hold a grudge against the slower paced gameplay. Tank players especially hate being forced into playing the same two characters every match.

The good news in all of this is that the damage position is actually pretty flexible. Given some proper teamwork, DPS players have the option to play a slew of different options.

The following tier list exists precisely to help guide players through this more dynamic meta, reflecting how individually well-kitted Overwatch’s 32 heroes are and how well they synergize with other powerful heroes. With each month, there will be a new tier list released to update changes in each hero’s performance from month-to-month so be sure to check back next month to see what changes lie ahead.

[Previous Tier List: November 2020]

Tier 1: Optimal Heroes with High Win Rates and Synergy

  • Ashe
  • Baptiste
  • Brigitte
  • Echo
  • McCree
  • Orisa
  • Sigma
orisa overwatch

Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

For players heading into the competitive queue, get used to these characters being in each and every game. Orisa and Sigma are simply the most reliable tanks for each and every map at the moment. Wrecking Ball is also in a great spot, but in a solo-queue environment, a Wrecking Ball can be a bit too volatile. Overall, the two shield tanks can easily enable long-range team compositions or act as a close-quarters brawl team. Their natural tankiness elevates them above other options like Winston and Reinhardt. Best of all, they can provide cover much more often than any other main tank at the moment.

On the damage side, McCree and Echo server as a dangerous 1-2 punch. Echo on the off-angle creates a ton of pressure onto the opposing back line. Meanwhile McCree and Ashe can stop enemy flankers in their own right, as well as threaten to eliminate an exposed tank rather quickly. Then, of course, Brigitte and Baptise anchor down the backline. Bap’s new ultimate is just devastating, as it punishes uncoordinated pushes and provides an abundance of space for a friendly team to operate.

Tier 2: Good Alternatives to Tier 1 and Still Viable Overall

  • D.Va
  • Hanzo
  • Mei
  • Mercy
  • Moira
  • Junkrat
  • Torbjorn
  • Tracer
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Zarya
  • Zenyatta

In theory, Wrecking Ball really should be in the top tier for the month of December. Wrecking Ball is one of, if not the most over-tuned tanks in the game. The ability to cause chaos in the back line and safely get away is something not many characters can do. The issue is that not many tank players can effectively play the mobile main tank. Oftentimes, teams can’t follow up on the aggression because of the sheer speed of Wrecking Ball, which leads to a lot of deaths from the Ball.

If the team can’t field a Wrecking Ball, it may just be best to break down the shields as fast as possible. Junkrat and Hanzo would be the go-to spam heroes if that’s the case. Shields are not as strong as they used to be, so some players will be caught off-guard when their shield breaks quickly. Then there is the option to walk through shields. This is where Torb and Mei are at their strongest. Torbjorn serves as a tankier Reaper in this scenario, with a much more reliable ultimate. Not to mention the turret acts as the perfect flanker deterrent.

Tier 3: Good Situational Picks but Less Strong Overall

  • Ana
  • Genji
  • Lucio
  • Pharah
  • Roadhog
  • Sombra
  • Symmetra
  • Winston
Overwatch League teams and NBA teams

Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

It’s always a bit odd to see Pharah so much lower than Echo due to their similar playstyles. Both heroes are easily bested by a talented hit-scan player, and both need a bit of extra resources in order to maximize their performance. The main reason Echo is far more reliable is the ultimate difference. Duplicate is much more consistent, and much more flexible. Barrage is powerful, but really dangerous and easily countered in this meta. Pharah has her maps, but overall Echo ends up being the superior choice.

Genji and Sombra are interesting picks in competitive now, as they work as really strong off-angle damage options. Hacking Sigma or Baptise can open up a whole bunch of opportunities for an attack and Dragonblade is still as powerful as ever. Winston and Roadhog are more map dependent options, but can find a small amount of success given a well coordinated squad.

Tier 4: Difficult to Have Success Within the Current Meta

  • Bastion
  • Doomfist
  • Reaper
  • Reinhardt
  • Widowmaker

Sad days are upon us when Reinhardt falls to the bottom of the tier list. There is simply too much spam damage in each match for Rein’s shield to provide enough value for the team. The combination of his Shatter nerf and his shield nerf lock Reinhardt to almost unplayable territory. A few brave souls will march out the crusader on a few close-quarters maps, but overall try and stay away from Reinhardt for main tank.

Doomfist and Bastion hold down the fort as a bottom tier option, as they are the most situational of picks. Bastion can be useful in a few situations. More often than not, though, they should be left on the bench.


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Featured image courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment

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