Today Overwatch Lead Developer, Jeff Kaplan, likely responded to an article published by Dexerto which claimed that the latest patch notes (1.43) would potentially not be going live until mid-January 2020. He did not explicitly refer to this article instead simply claiming that, “We’ve been seeing quite a bit of misinformation being spread about our December patch (1.43).”
According to Jeff Kaplan, “The patch is scheduled to go live next week. Short of some unforeseen circumstance causing a delay, we’re expecting to go live with the patch next week.”
This patch was expected to go live on December 3 alongside the maintenance that was scheduled for that day and when that didn’t happen many attempted to figure out when they may finally go live. Now it appears fans have that answer, with the most logical start date being December 10, if trends from past years continue. This will most likely align with the 2019 Winter Wonderland annual event.
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