With the Overwatch 2 release finally announced for October 4, to thank its community Blizzard is offering an Overwatch 2 Founder’s pack for players to receive.
“This is an equally exciting and humbling moment for the Overwatch team,” stated Blizzard. “Our community means everything to us, and we have a deep appreciation and respect for the players who have been there since the beginning.”
To show players their appreciation Blizzard will be giving previous and current Overwatch players a founders pack containing different types of cosmetics.
Within the Founder’s Packs are two new skins and an in-game icon. General Doomfist and Jester Sombra will be the two skins included in the Founders Pack. An exclusive Founder’s icon will also be included in the pack. More will be implemented with the Founders Pack but, exactly what is currently unknown. Blizzard stated that along with the Founder’s Pack a surprise gift will be announced before the game’s October 4 release will be given to players.
To be eligible for the Founder’s Pack, players need to own Overwatch prior to June 23, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. PDT or 2:00 p.m EST
To redeem the Founder’s Pack, players need to log into the live game by December 5 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PDT or 2:59 a.m EST. The Founder pack can also be redeemed by logging into Overwatch prior to October 4. Players can also log onto Overwatch 2 after its launch.
All unlocked skins and cosmetics from the original Overwatch will carry forward into Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2, launching on October 4, will be free-to-play on Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch consoles.
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