Since Overwatch 2’s release at Blizzcon 2019, many details have been revealed about the game, however, it’s cost and exact release date remain in question. With a lot riding on the success of Overwatch 2 for the future of the franchise, it’s not clear how much Blizzard will charge players for the new game.
Image Courtesy of PlayOverwatch.com
From the information given at Blizzcon, Overwatch 2 will be a sequel of Overwatch and is build on a vastly upgraded engine. They have also revealed that Overwatch and Overwatch 2 players will be able to play PvP together, including the new maps and heroes. Overwatch 2 will, however, have exclusive PvE content.
Because it is, essentially, optional it seems that Overwatch 2 will not be free to play. It is likely that, because it is just PvE, that the game could be as low as $30.00, however, it is more likely that it will be $60.00.
Neither of these prices has been confirmed by Blizzard officially, they are simply speculations based on what information fans do have thus far. Since Jeff Kaplan stated that he “does not know” when Overwatch 2 will be coming out, it’s hard to know a timeline for when it’s cost will be officially announced.
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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