With the official release of Sigma just having come through in the past few weeks, it’s now time to have a closer look at Overwatch’s newest Talon brainiac in his fullness. Now that they are all on the PTR, here are all of Sigma’s current skins in order of rarity:
Dr. De Kuiper
Subject Sigma
Sigma’s skins are only a part of his full character. His emotes, victory poses and highlight intros also go into forming his character and they are also currently on the PTR. To continue to learn more about him, go check out his origin story and learn more about his weapons, abilities and ultimate. These can all be tested on the PTR server, which can be downloaded on the Battle.net app.
Which of these skins fits Sigma the best, and what are some future skin ideas for Sigma? Send us your suggestions in the comments or jump in the conversation on Reddit or Twitter and tag us with your responses @TGHEsports or @GoopyKnoopy.
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Featured Image Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment
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