Dana Stubblefield, former San Franciso 49ers defensive lineman, was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison in regards to a rape crime in 2015
In July, Stubblefield was convicted of sexually assaulting an intellectually disabled woman by luring the woman to his home after offering her a babysitting job, according to the Santa Clara District Attorney’s Office. On Friday, October 23, the jury found Stubblefield guilty, and the court sentenced him to 15 years to life in prison.
The jury ruled in favor of the plaintiff and found Stubblefield guilty of rape by force, false imprisonment and oral colation. The jury also ruled that Stubblefield used a gun in the incident.
“‘No’ meant nothing to this defendant. I think he thought would never be held accountable for prior criminal behavior, based on his status. Today, he was properly held accountable,” said Tim McInerny, Deputy District Attorney of Santa Clara.
Stubblefield’s lawyers disagreed with the jury’s decision and hope for an appeal to the court ruling.
Allen Sawyer, Stubblefield’s attorney, believes the victim’s intellectual disability is questionable, and the district attorney withheld evidence that supports his claims from the jury. Sawyer also believes the recent pandemic also influenced the jury’s decision.
Sawyer hopes to bring up his proof regarding the victim’s intellectual disability, will be used if the jury’s decision is appealed in the higher courts.
“That false narrative corrupted this trial from start to finish. We are as adamant as ever that Mr.Stubblefield is innocent,” Sawyer told reporters on Friday, October 23.
Stubblefield won rookie of the year with the 49ers and also played for the Washington Football Team and the then Oakland Raiders, now Las Vegas Raiders. Stubblefield retired due to a shoulder injury in 2004.
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