In 2021, Udyr was picked to be the next League of Legends champion to get a major rework. While some champions have received small reworks more recently, Udyr is getting more than just one or two aspects about him upgraded. He is going to have new abilities, a new look and likely a new passive. This could even see Udyr getting more added to his story. With this update, many will be wanting to know what is the Udyr Rework Release Date?
[Related: Champion Rework Poll Announced for 2022 League of Legends Season]
When Udyr was chosen for the reworks, he was one of the least played champions in the game. This was due to his kit being out of date and nothing seemingly was able to help him reach his targets with regularity. Then with the reworked items came Turbo Chemtank. This item instantly shot Udyr up to being one of the most desirable champions in the jungle. Not only was this in solo queue but also in pro play.
Due to his relevancy in 2021, a lot of fans started to wonder whether he actually needed a rework or not? Luckily from what has been shown so far with Udyr’s rework, he will still be remaining relatively the same. In the latest Dev Diary, it was shown that Udyr would still be keeping his main identity as a stance-changing monk/shaman. They will be basing his abilities more around the Frejlordian gods but in general it looks like he will remain similar to his current form
As for the Udyr Rework Release Date, one should expect for Riot Games and League of Legends to be keeping to previous schedules. It seems likely that the Udyr Rework Release Date will be sometime in August or September of 2022.
The reason for this is in 2020 Volibear received his rework during this time and in 2021 Dr. Mundo had his new rework release date as well.
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