Back in 2022, Skarner won a poll that set him to receive a visual and gameplay update (VGU). And now, the changes are enticingly close. Riot and partners released teasers for Skarner’s new visuals and abilities for players to view before he is officially rolled out with Patch 14.7.
He looks more brutal and tough than ever. But that’s not the only exciting thing about the update: Skarner’s Support potential is off the charts. Each of his new abilities provides something valuable towards an ideal Support kit. See his updated abilities and their potential Support uses below.
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With this ability, Skarner gains three empowered attacks, and tosses down a rock on the third. Or, he can re-cast the ability to throw the rock into enemy champions, slowing them from range.
Unlike his old Q, which dealt AOE damage, Skarner’s new Q provides great Support value. First, he can poke enemy laners, which is already an asset in and of itself. And, he can also slow them from afar, creating opportunities for his ADC to skirmish, preventing enemies from escaping, or even allowing a better chance to escape himself.
This could be a great ability for his laning phase, and a promising start to the Skarner Support dream. And it only gets better from here.
Skarner’s new W is a shield that also sends out damage and slows in a small circle around him. Once again, this ability could be ideal for a Support kit, but in a bit of a different way than his Q.
Since this W slow emits in a small circle from Skarner himself, it is valuable for hard engages, both offensively and defensively. He can help out his Bot Lane when fighting by tanking damage and CCing enemies. Or, during incoming ganks, Skarner can stand near the enemies and use W to help the ADC escape or even turn the fight in their favor.
And since the ability provides a shield, Skarner can also use W throughout the laning phase to defend from incoming poke and keep himself and his lane partner healthy.
New Skarner W is certainly an asset to a quality Support kit. And luckily, so are E and R.
That’s right, Skarner can travel through terrain now. And not only can he tunnel through the wall, but he can stun enemies on the other side (if he pushes them into terrain). This opens up many doors for Support Skarner, and turns him into a menacing foe.
For one, Skarner’s roams and ganks are tremendously improved by this new ability. He can tunnel into Mid Lane and push the enemy toward the friendly turret. Then, he can return back to his own lane and push them into combat there. Or, he can roam with the ally Jungler and stun the enemy Jungler into the wall. Hell, he can even hide in the back corner of Bot Lane and dig into the bush for a surprise attack. The possibilities are endless.
The indicator to enemies dampens this potential somewhat. But, there are still many ways Skarner can plan and gain the element of surprise through this ability, especially if enemies are mispositioned.
Additionally, Skarner’s E could also be used defensively, or even in non-combat situations. He can pop through after warding dragon and get back to friendly jungle, or run across into the tri-bush when a gank appears.
Regardless of where Skarner players decide to dig with this ability, it gives him great mobility, which is a crucial aspect of Support. And if he times it right, he gets a stun alongside. The potential for invading the enemy jungle with this ability cannot be understated, and is almost enough to merit Skarner Support on its own.
And finally, this leaves only his R.
With his updated R, Skarner can now carry and stun three enemies instead of one. However, the duration is significantly shortened from his old trademark ultimate.
This is his only ability that was arguably better for Support before, as he could single out an enemy and drag them into his team. However, the Support potential for his new ultimate is not bad, but simply different.
If he so chooses, Skarner could certainly still single out one enemy with proper aim, and commence his classic ultimate sequence. However, he can now also disable multiple key enemies, which is perfect for teamfights. The peel potential of dragging three enemies off of an ADC at once is unmatched, and will help him shine as a Support.
VGU Skarner can thrive as a Support in multiple aspects. He has peel, tankiness, engage, disengage, mobility, a healthy amount of CC, and overall, just looks fun. While this article mainly discussed his laning phase potential, he is also sure to remain impactful throughout the match as he continues to provide each skill to his team. Make sure to try out VGU Skarner Support when he officially releases on April 3.
Featured Image from Riot Games
Clips from SkinSpotlights
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