As happens with every new champion, people aren’t quite sure how to play the new Skarner yet. His VGU released only last week, and his 44.9% win rate reflects players’ struggles to figure him out.
While his win rate will surely stabilize as more time passes, there are a few strategies players can adopt early to help ensure more Skarner wins. Currently, Skarner’s recommended items vary from what skilled Skarner players build. Try out these item suggestions here, and see if they provide a boost to Skarner games.
[See also: VGU Skarner: The Perfect Support?]
One common thread throughout the best Skarner players is Heartsteel. As TTV_h3x0rcist’s new Skarner Snatcher guide explains, Skarner can stack Heartsteel charges for free after using his E. The extra E procs alongside Skarner’s “general tankiness” means that Heartsteel is a one-way ticket to becoming more durable. After all, it will make each of his next Armor or MR items more valuable, since he will have a greater health pool alongside them.
Mobafire guides aren’t the only place Skarner Heartsteel appears, though. Of League of Graph’s top 10 Best Skarner Players list, half regularly choose to build Heartsteel on Skarner. Additionally, the current top Skarner player Blender (#Blend) builds Heartsteel nearly every match. The results speak for themselves: Blender has a 77.8% win rate on Skarner in Grandmaster. And the rest of the Top 10 “Skarner Pros” also boast 60+% win rates in ranks Master and above. Each of these players is undoubtedly skilled at playing Skarner, and many choose Heartsteel for the best expression of that skill.
However, despite its appearances in guides and in top-level Skarner play, Heartsteel is not yet listed as a prime option in recommended items or on sites like U.GG. Heartsteel appears to be growing in popularity a bit, with Skarner players opting to build it in 16.7% of games. However, players could benefit from building it more. It has promising results from top Skarner players from multiple platforms.
Like Heartsteel, Spirit Visage is an increasingly common pick amongst knowledgeable Skarner players. Once again, half of the Top 10 Skarner players chose to build Spirit Visage in their recent matches.
Spirit Visage is highly effective on Skarner for a couple of reasons. For one, it boosts healing and shielding, which synergizes perfectly with Skarner’s W shield. With a cooldown ranging from 10 to 6 seconds, Skarner’s W is in constant use, and therefore consistently benefits from Spirit Visage.
Additionally, Spirit Visage is a key defensive item for many champions, providing 60 MR and 450 health. For Skarner players facing a magic-heavy team, Spirit Visage is a great option to help Skarner become even tankier. Hazardist’s Skarner guide agrees, as Spirit Visage is also listed as a key tank item here.
Surprisingly, though, the average Skarner player consistently opts out of building this item. In fact, Spirit Visage is nearing the bottom of League of Graphs’ Skarner items list, appearing in only 1.9% of games. When more players start buying Spirit Visage (in the appropriate matches), the are sure to reap the benefits.
Heartsteel and Spirit Visage are two promising items that could help clear the path for Skarner to win more and more in the future. With approval from build guides, skilled Skarner players, and decent win rates, these items are sure to grow alongside Skarner.
Players should try out different items and builds in their journey of playing updated Skarner. But in the end, Heartsteel and Spirit Visage may be two options that stand the test of time, and ensure that Skarner players have the best shot at winning their game. Consider swapping out an item or two for one of these picks.
Featured Image from Riot Games
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