It is September which means that the League of Legends community is prepping for Worlds. With many different announcements coming out, one that was recently released was the Worlds 2020 Orchestral Theme. Here is a look at it.
This theme is a banger and references so many things. First off, one can see that it references China which is where Worlds it being held this year. Also, the words Take Over are written in big font looking over the city. Then there is a player looking at what appears to be a star but upon closer inspection, it is actually the Summoners Cup.
This music is normally what is being played during commercial breaks and picks and bans. That means that fans will definitely get used to hearing it. The best part is that it is very similar to previous years, which was also great. It also hints back to the original theme for picks and bans which is definitely a crowd favorite for those who started playing back when League of Legends came out.
Worlds 2020 will be held in a bubble due to COVID-19. This means that all of the players are being put in quarantine before being allowed to be only in certain parts of Shanghai around the Pudong Football Stadium. This system has been used very successfully for the NBA. With the groups draw coming up, people will want to stay tuned for all the excitement of Worlds 2020.
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