Team Liquid and Team Liquid Academy are looking like top contenders in their respective competitions. In the LCS, Team Liquid took home first place in the Lock In tournament and start 2-1 in Week 1. Meanwhile, TLA sits in first place in Academy League with a 7-1 record. Altogether, the organization has a strong grip on North America’s League of Legends scene. So much so, that Team Liquid’s statistics are showing up on the international radar.
There are some stats that get very inflated on the international scale, and make it difficult for major regions to break through. For example, the players with the most average kills per game mostly come from minor leagues. Right now, globally, the top 10 players for average kills per game (with 5+ games) have around seven to nine. If the data is adjusted for only major leagues, that average comes down to five to seven, because top league players are generally better at not feeding kills.
When looking at team stats, something like kill-death ratio tends to skew higher for wildcard regions and challenger-level leagues. These lower level tournaments are scrappier, the players make more mistakes, and therefore the top teams have way more kills than they would in a higher level of competition. For example, the top global kill-death ratios are between 2.0 and 3.5. But major leagues top out around 1.75–even the bottom teams do not feed deaths.
TL’s LCS team actually breaks into some top global stats, despite participating in a major region. They are tied for tenth in gold per minute for 2021 (ninth if a three-game team does not count). Team Liquid averages 1,931 gold per minute, while the top team averages 2,085. Narrowing to only major regions, Team Liquid is second only to FunPlus Phoenix in the LPL. They rank above the LEC’s Rogue, LCK’s DWG KIA and LPL’s Edward Gaming, even though Team Liquid has a lower win rate.
Team Liquid exhibits a fairly low average game time compared to the rest of the world. So far they win games around 28:18 across 17 matches. That puts Team Liquid in tenth overall, and first by almost a minute among major region teams. No other LCS team is even close. To put it into perspective, Cloud9’s Spring Split 2020 average was 30:43.
Finally, Alphari deserves praise for having the sixth most solo kills in the world. Games of Legends publish this, so look to them for the definition and how they track them. Team Liquid’s top laner is in great company, as Chovy, Doran, Biubiu, Doxy, and Rascal are the only players with more. Alphari is tied with TheShy, and just ahead Lwx, ACD, Bwipo, Scout, and Jiizuke. Once factoring in that most of these players have played more games than him, Alphari is looking pretty god-like in the solo kill department.
TL’s Academy league team also have some top global stats to view. In gold per minute, they actually rank higher than the LCS team currently. TLA’s 1,934 puts them in eighth overall (seventh if a three-game team does not count). As far as rankings go, Cloud9 Academy are AL’s next best around 31 globally with 1,883 gold per minute.
Team Liquid Academy’s Baron control rate is actually pretty high compared to the globe, as well. They have secured 85.7 percent of Barons in their matches, good enough for thirteenth overall. TL’s LCS roster has a 79.4 percent Baron control, the only other North American representative over 72 percent. It puts Team Liquid at twenty-third place in the world.
CS per minute is another notable stat for Team Liquid Academy. As a team, they pull in 34.9 CS per minute, which is tied for sixth highest of any team in the world. If TLA could farm 0.5 more CS per minute, then they would be the top farmers globally. This is extremely impressive, and Cloud9 Academy is right behind at 34.8 CS per minute.
Team Liquid and Team Liquid Academy have shown strong starts to the season. The organization should be happy where they stand, not just in North America, but across the world. If they can maintain these trends, then they will be formidable in LCS and Academy League. And if the LCS roster can carry this form over into international events, then North America may actually have a shot.
Listen to The Liquid Lowdown Episode 2:
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