At the end of 2021, League of Legends and Riot Games announced that the last two champions that were supposed to come out would be delayed to 2022. With this announcement, they also revealed the next champion would be coming out early in the year and they would be a Zaun ADC. Then a Chem Baron or at least Zaunite support was also revealed. Although this champion was likely supposed to release with Arcane, they moved them back. Now with Renata likely coming, many will be looking for her abilities. Here is a look at the Renata Abilities.
[Related: What is the Renata Glasc Release Date for League of Legends?]
*Note: These are currently the leaked abilities and nothing has been confirmed by Riot Games.
Passive – Leverage
Renata’s basic attacks mark enemies and deal extra damage. Allied attacks consume the mark and deal extra damage.
Q – Handshake
Renata fires a missile from her robotic arm and immobilizes the first enemy hit. She can then reactivate the ability to knock back the enemy in a direction of her choice.
W – Bailout
Increases the movement and attack speed of Renata and an allied champion. If the allied champion gets a takedown the duration of the buff is refreshed. If the allied champion dies they will be revived.
E – Loyalty Program
Renata fired several missiles that shield allies, deal damage and slow enemies. The missiles can be used as an AOE around her or charged into a missile with an explosion at max range with the same effect.
R – Hostile Takeover
Renata sends a cloud of chemicals that induce enemies in a frenzy. All enemies hit will have their attack speed increased but will be forced to attack everything around them. (allied champions > neutral camps > Renata’s allies > Renata).
Below is the Tweet with the Leak.
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