Home » LCS 2021 Offseason Roster Tracker
LCS 2021 Offseason Roster Tracker

LCS 2021 Offseason Roster Tracker

Publish Date: November 12, 2021

The LCS 2021 Offseason has arrived and with that fans will be wanting a roster tracker to see what moves their team makes. While the rumor wheel is already swirling, moves will not be able to be made until early November. That said, the first day of free agency will certainly be a hectic one as many of the players will have already decided on their new homes. To keep up with everything, here is a constantly updating LCS 2021 Offseason Roster Tracker for each team’s 2022 rosters.

*Note: This will update with announcements as they are made. Bookmark this to stay up to date.

Other Major Region Roster Listed Below

All 2022 LEC Rosters

All 2022 LCK Rosters

All 2022 LPL Rosters

Free Agents

Below is a list of known free agents. Players will be added and taken off this list as they make their announcements.

  • Gamsu
  • Cody Sun
  • Sword
  • Hauntzer
  • Dardoch
  • Solo
  • Pobelter
  • Bjergsen (Confirmed)
  • SwordArt
  • PowerOfEvil
  • Rosethorn
  • Insanity
  • Perkz
  • Alphari
  • Tactical
  • Lost
  • Jiizuke
  • Iconic
  • Broxah
  • Damonte
  • WildTurtle
  • Zeyzal
  • Olleh
  • Smoothie
  • Jensen

LCS Teams

Below is a list of all of the LCS teams and their rosters. This will update as players are added and released. For starters, it will have every team’s 2021 roster and then be updated as changes are made. All players added and confirmed will be in bold.

100 Thieves

Top: Ssumday*/Tenacity*

Jng: Closer*

Mid: Abbedagge*

Bot: FBI*

Sup: Huhi*


Top: Jenkins

Jng: Contractz

Mid: palafox

Bot: Luger

Sup: Poome


Top: Summit*

Jng: Blaber*

Mid: Fudge*

Bot: Zven*

Sup: Isles*


Top: Fakegod*

Jng: River

Mid: Blue

Bot: Neo*

Sup: Biofrost

Evil Geniuses

Top: Impact*

Jng: Inspired*

Mid: Jojopyun

Bot: Danny*

Sup: Vulcan*


Top: Kumo

Jng: Josedeodo

Mid: Toucouille

Bot: Johnsun

Sup: aphromoo

Golden Guardians

Top: Licorice*

Jng: Priodestalker

Mid: Ablazeolive*

Bot: Lost

Sup: Olleh


Top: Revenge*

Jng: Xerxe*

Mid: PowerOfEvil

Bot: Wildturtle

Sup: Destiny

Team Liquid

Top: Bwipo*

Jng: Santorin*

Mid: Bjergsen*

Bot: Hans Sama*

Sup: CoreJJ*


Top: Huni*

Jng: Spica*


Bot: Tactical

Sup: IgNar or Life

LCS Academy Rosters

Below is a list of all of the LCS Academy teams and their rosters. This will update as players are added and released. For starters, it will have every team’s 2021 roster and then be updated as changes are made.

100 Thieves Academy

Top: Tenacity

Jng: Kenvi

Mid: ry0ma

Bot: Luger

Sup: Poome

CLG Academy

Top: Thien

Jng: Keel

Mid: rjs

Bot: Katsurri

Sup: Hooks

Cloud9 Academy

Top: Darshan

Jng: Shernfire

Mid: Copy

Bot: k1ng

Sup: Isles

Dignitas Academy

Top: Lourlo

Jng: Will

Mid: Soligo

Bot: Spawn

Sup: JayJ

Evil Geniuses Academy

Top: Tony Top

Jng: Contractz/Tomio

Mid: jojopyun

Bot: TeamLuke

Sup: Mystiques

FlyQuest Academy

Top: Philip

Jng: Nxi

Mid: Triple

Bot: Johnsun

Sup: Dreams

Golden Guardians Academy

Top: Niles


Mid: Yunbee

Bot: Prismal

Sup: Newbie

Immortals Academy

Top: V1per

Jng: AnDa

Mid: Pretty

Bot: Keith

Sup: Joey

Team Liquid Academy

Top: Jenkins/Dhokla

Jng: Armao/Inori

Mid: Haeri

Bot: Yeon

Sup: Eyla

TSM Academy


Jng: Hyper

Mid: Takeover


Sup: Yursan

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