League of Legends has been one of the most popular games in the world for the last decade. It has one of the most vibrant esports scenes in the world along with one of the biggest player bases. One of the major reasons why is that while the base game mostly stays the same, it is in essence a living game. It is always changing as Riot Games tries to keep things fresh. One of the best ways to do this is to add content and in League of Legends, which normally means adding new champions.
Note: This list will update as new champions are released.
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On release, League of Legends had 40 different champions to choose from. This meant in essence that each role had eight to choose from. As the game has progressed Riot Games has continued to add new characters and champions to fill out different roles and possibilities. With that, there have been some big benchmarks.
The first new champion at 41 was Udyr. Then champion 50 was the iconic Garen. At 100 was another classic champion, Draven. For the last major milestone thus far, Yone, the brother of the infamous Yasuo was number 150.
The last champion, who just released recently was Briar, The Restrained Hunger. She is champion number 164 which is the current amount of champions in the game. Riot has revealed that they plan on releasing three or four new champions every year for at least the next few years. This means that Champion 200 is at least another eight to nine years away should they decide to go that far.
League of Legends has had many champions over its nearly 15-year history. While there were 40 upon release, there have been over 100 added since. Here is a website to see exactly when all of the champions were released.
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