Golden Guardians ADC Victor “FBI” Huang has had an impressive start to the 2020 Spring LCS Season. As an emerging region import along with teammate Closer from the TCL, people questioned if they belonged in the LCS. With a roster rounded out by “scrim god but stuck on the bench” Goldenglue and role-swapped support Keith, expectations were low for GGS. However, with the midway point of the season just one game away, FBI has performed as one of the top AD carries in the league and the team is tied for 4th.
One of the main parts of his success this season has been the laning phase. FBI currently has the second best gold and CS difference at 15 minutes behind C9’s Zven. More importantly, he and Keith have been able to do this on their own. Although FBI and Keith have had several great roams, they have not received much attention from Closer. Instead of getting ganks the bot lane has been able to convert their pressure in lane into several early dragons. Plus, 2v2ing the prestigious bottom lane of Doublelift and CoreJJ is nothing to sneeze at.
Additionally, FBI has proven himself to be one of the biggest win conditions for GGS. He has the highest percentage of a teams damage in the league at a whopping 34.9%. He’s had the most damage on the team in 5/8 games, coming in second behind Goldenglue in the other three. In their most recent game against Dignitas, he had over 10k more damage then the next closest teammate. Victor also has the number one DPM average in the league and the third highest KDA. Not only is he consistently pumping out damage, but also staying safe in teamfights.
One of the reasons that GGS has had success recently is that they seem to have found their identity. Most of their wins have come from FBI and Goldenglue playing carries and other players being more supportive. Keith has looked very good on Thresh recently, and Closer has had strong games on playmakers like Lee Sin and Jarvan. Hauntzer has played a lot of Aatrox but isn’t afraid to bust out the Ornn when needed.
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – JANUARY 26: — during 2020 LCS Spring Split at the LCS Arena on January 26, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, USA.. (Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games)
With a strong frontline that has engage with duel damage threats in Goldenglue and FBI, Golden Guardians have looked very strong. Whether it’s FBI tearing teams apart with Aphelios or Goldenglue on a mage, it seems to be the formula that works. Their main sources of engage are also not afraid to go in. Many times you see teams crippled by indecision and it costs them games. So far Closer and the rest of GGS have not been afraid to dive in for a fight, whether it’s beneficial or not. Sometimes it’s better to go down swinging on a low percentage play instead of being slowly choked out, but many times teams aren’t able to make that decisive call.
Now that the team seems to have found its footing, look for the success to continue. If FBI continues to play at this level and is given the proper team compositions, he can be the main carry of this team. With big matches against FlyQuest and 100 Thieves coming up, FBI and Golden Guardians have a great chance to prove their strength.
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