China and Europe faced each other again, this time FPX and G2 were the representatives and each had their story of getting to the Worlds 2019. Doinb finally making his first Worlds and making an incredible run when most had written them off after their groups performance. Caps and Perkz coming together with one goal in mind, winning Worlds. FPX were looking to bring the Summoner’s Cup to the LPL in back to back years. G2 were looking for the Grand Slam and to show that Europe are the real deal.
Here are the starting lineups for each team and then a recap and analysis of each game.
Funplus Phoenix
- Top- Kim “GimGoon” Han-saem
- Jng- Gao “Tian” Tian-Liang
- Mid- Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang
- Adc- Lin “Lwx” Wei-Xiang
- Supp- Liu “Crisp” Qing-Song
G2 Esports
- Top- Martin “Wunder” Nordahl Hansen
- Jng- Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski
- Mid- Rasmus “Caps” Borregaard Winther
- Adc- Luka “Perkz” Perković
- Supp- Mihael “Mikyx” Mehle
Game 1 FPX 1 – 0 G2
The draft started off with a bang. Ryze was left open for Doinb but, he went with his well known mid lane Nautilus instead. This allowed for G2 to take the Varus, with Kai’Sa and Xayah banned. Then they grabbed Ryze for what everyone assumed was Caps. Heading into the second ban phase, G2 focused on supports while FPX looked at the jungle. In the second half, G2 brought out their signature pick, Pyke. It went into the mid lane with Caps and the Ryze was then flexed to the top lane with Wunder to counter GimGoon and his Gangplank.
First blood went over to FPX with a roam by Doinb and Tian to top lane. What was interesting was that Doinb was close and then teleported in order to make it there faster. Then a repeat gank gave FPX a very early lead. G2 would respond catching Tian out in their jungle with Perkz hitting the chains of corruption. At the mid-point of the game FPX had a 1k gold lead and were making moves faster than G2 could respond. G2 would trade the Rift Herald for an Ocean Drake which would lead to FPX killing Wunder again and G2 pushing top lane taking the first turret.
Heading into late game, it was a back and forth battle, neither team truly had a lead. Then after G2 took down an Inferno Drake, FPX charged forward splitting G2, taking down three and a Baron off of it. They pushed down mid lane taking the inhib and giving themselves a 4k gold lead at 34 minutes. G2 would respond by taking the top inhib down to FPX’s surprise, in an attempt to get back into the game. A second Baron would go over to FPX at 37 minutes as G2 pushed bot lane as an answer. FPX would find Wunder again in the G2 jungle and this would lead to them pushing into the base and taking down the G2 Nexus for a Game 1 win.
Game 1 MVP: Tian

From his roams top, to the massive kick that lead to the first Baron, Tian’s Lee Sin was on point. While Lwx was getting the kills, it was Tian’s pressure and highlight plays that helped to give FPX the first game of the series.
Game 2 FPX 2 – 0 G2
The draft in Game 2 was G2 clearly trying to play to their individual skills over teamfighting. FPX took Kai’Sa and Ryze but G2 responded with Gragas, Yasuo and Akali. Tian would get his Lee Sin again. Then in the second ban phase, G2 focused on the top lane and FPX yet again looked at Jankos and the jungle. The second half of the ban phase would see FPX picking up Kled and Galio. G2 would respond with Tristana for Caps and Elise again for Jankos.

This game would start much slower than the first. G2 would take the Inferno Drake but, FPX would trade it for three kills, giving themselves about a 1k gold lead at 8 minutes. After a lane-swap, FPX would trade a Rift Herald for Cloud Drake taking it top. They would get a kill on Mikyx and take first tower in the top lane. A forced fight top lane would lead to FPX getting two more kills and taking a 4k lead at only 14 minutes. Lwx on the Kai’Sa would have four kills and a massive lead.
At the 18 minute mark, G2 continued to try to fight, as they do, and continued to find nothing. Tian would get an impressive kick with an easy kill onto Mikyx which would lead to an easy kill onto Perkz. G2 tried to start another fight after a pause getting a kill on Crisp but then they would get wiped. This would lead to a 10k gold lead. FPX would play with their food to give the fans a bit more of a show and then they would decide they are done, going up 2-0.
Game 2 MVP: Lwx
Lwx would be the highest kill player in the game, again. This time he played against the Yasuo and Gragas with patience and precision. His Kai’Sa got some early kills and from then on Lwx would be leading the charge putting down extreme amounts of damage.
Game 3 FPX 3 – 0 G2
Could G2 start their comeback or would FPX finish it off here?
Doinb was targeted early. G2 would pick Ryze and Nautilus with their first two picks. In response, FPX took Xayah, Lee Sin and Thresh in their first half. Ezreal would finish out the first part of the draft for G2. FPX continued their strategy of using their second bans to limit Jankos in the jungle. As a response G2 tried to limit Doinb by banning Rumble and Akali. To finish their comp Funplus Phoenix took Gangplank and a mid lane Galio. Lastly, to the surprise of many, G2 would pull out the Veiger and Jarvan.
As was the case with Game 2, Game 3 was relatively quite in the early game. Top would start the way of G2 and bot would overwhelmingly go towards FPX. They would take a full tower at nearly 8 minutes and give themselves a 1k gold lead. FPX translated this lead into the top lane by using a Rift Herald to take the top tower. First blood surprising went the way of G2 as they would find Tian with the crowd control chain.
Into the mid game, kills were traded with G2 starting to look more confident as the Baron came up at 20 minutes. FPX would start it up but G2 sniffed it out and stopped it. After fighting around the Rift some more, FPX went back to Baron with the intent of finishing it this time. They would take it with all five members still alive at 23 minutes. With the Baron FPX pushed the pace taking fight after fight and a top inhib. Another FPX Baron power play would take them into the base and make them the 2019 World Champions.
Game 3 MVP: Tian
Yet again Tian played a stifling level of League of Legends. His Lee Sin was always in the right spot at the right time. He hit sonic wave after sonic wave and kick after kick. It was his play that allowed for FPX to play their style of League of Legends.
Series Thoughts
Grand Slam Curse?
Every single team that has tried for the Grand Slam (winning all four major tournaments), has failed. G2 continued this trend as they looked lost the entire series. It was odd to see from G2 as they had been so dominate all year long. Neither of their LEC Finals were close and they won MSI convincingly as well.
The entire team under-performed but specifically Wunder, Jankos and Mikyx were on their heels the entire series. Whether it was getting caught out or out-maneuvered these three struggled mightily. Caps and Perkz also did not play to their standards. They had stronger moments where they tried to get the team back into the series but, it was not enough.
LPL are the Top Region
It is official with the Funplus Phoenix win, the LPL is the strongest region. With Invictus Gaming winning last year and RNG continuing to look strong all eyes will be on the LPL in 2020 and beyond. Their players are young and they still have arguably the best ADC in the world in Uzi.
As for FPX, this series showed that they came in with a plan. They would allow Tian to influence their positioning and play either around top or bot lane. Jankos and G2 never got a chance to play around their strongest part of the map. Doinb held mid without much of an issue and Lwx was frightening the whole series. This team is built to last and the rest of the world should be on notice from here on out.
Series MVP: Tian
This was a very easy choice. While Lwx and Doib played very well, Tian was the one who made it all work. He did not allow G2 and Jankos to ever take a breath. Every time he had to hit smite, he did. His play was outstanding the entire series and without him, this Worlds may have been a lot closer.
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