As with the other reworks for League of Legends champions lately, Riot Games are letting fans vote for which one they want to be done next. This comes on the heels of Dr. Mundo being shown as nearing completion and likely coming out in the next couple of months. Players can go on the client to vote for which champion they want to get reworked next now. This voting will be available until January 19 at 11:59 PST.
[Related: New Thematic Skins Voting is Live & Here are the Options]
Champion Rework Vote
Champion Rework Vote Nocturne
Champion Rework Vote Nocturne
Champion Rework Vote Quinn
Champion Rework Vote Quinn
Champion Rework Vote Shyvana
Champion Rework Vote Shyvana
Champion Rework Vote Skarner
Champion Rework Vote Skarner
Champion Rework Vote Udyr
Champion Rework Vote Udyr
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