To start off 2021, League of Legends are bringing out skins for a lot of champions that have not had many in the past few years. They also continue to add to skins lines. The Battle Academia is considered to be a favorite amongst League of Legends fans. It is a line that connects to anime which hits home with man fans. The champions getting new Battle Academia skins are Caitlyn, Garen, Leona (Prestige), Wukong and Yone. Here is a look at the six new Battle Academia skins coming to League of Legends.
[Related: New Bee Skins for Yuumi, Malzahar and Kog’Maw Revealed]
Battle Academia Caitlyn Splash Art
Battle Academia Caitlyn
Battle Academia Garen Splash Art
Battle Academia Garen
Battle Academia Leona Splash Art
Battle Academia Leona
Battle Academia Leona Prestige
Battle Academia Wukong Splash Art
Battle Academia Wukong
Battle Academia Yone Splash Art
Battle Academia Yone
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