Home » 3 New League of Legends Custom Game Ideas
New League of Legends Custom Game Ideas

3 New League of Legends Custom Game Ideas

Publish Date: February 14, 2024

As thrilling as it is to play League of Legends, everyone needs a break sometimes. Whether it’s been a long work day or a long losing streak, sometimes the best thing to do is take a step back from the competitive aspect. However, this does not have to mean quitting the game altogether. Custom games with friends allow for a fun and low-key way to relax that still provides a twist on the normal Summoner’s Rift. Grab a few buddies and try out these two new games.

[See also: 5 Ways to Find the Perfect Duo Partner in League of Legends]

Smite Fight

The Basics

Create a custom game with all players on one team, and an equal amount of bots on the other. Then, ignore the lane completely, and fight over Jungle objectives for points. Everyone takes a Jungle pet, and everyone takes Smite.

Blue/Red buff = 1 point

Level Up = 3 points

1 Grub = 5 points

Dragon = 10 points

Elder Dragon = 20 points

Baron = 25 points

The game ends when the enemy bots destroy the allied Nexus. Players are not allowed to receive lane minion experience at any point, and need to path around it. Opponents must trash-talk each other while waiting for Jungle camps to respawn.

Strategy Considerations

Is it better to travel into the enemy Jungle and farm unbothered, or stay close to base and fight for camps there? Will players struggle to claim grubs for 15 points, or sneak toward the dragon for a less valuable but uncontested 10 points? Can one player bait another into dying over Baron? How does one Smite properly against four other players? These are all important questions. And the more chaos when answering them, the better.

Alternate Styles of Play

Depending on how many players are involved, Smite Fight can be restricted to one side of the  map or even one side of the allied Jungle (large objectives notwithstanding).

Feel free to adjust point values depending on what is best for the current group. Additionally, one champion ban per player is optional, but helps ensure that the game will not get steamrolled by any single champion.

Raid Boss

The Basics

Create a custom game with human players all on one team. On the enemy team, add 1 Intermediate Bot, the most annoying one possible. Fill the rest of the enemy team with beginner bots if required, preferably ones with the lowest push potential. Players can only buy movement speed items.

Raid Boss is two rounds – creating the Raid Boss, and destroying it – with a potential tiebreaker at the end. Either win both initial challenges or try for just one and secure a spot in the final round.

Round One: The Birth of a God

The first goal of Raid Boss is to int. Int harder than that Zed Top who went 0/2 in the first 45 seconds of the game and decided running it down would soothe his ego. Int harder than the Maokai who got executed in the Jungle at levels 1, 2, and 8, and disconnected when a teammate suggested they buy a Jungle item. Do not pass Go. Do not collect the cannon minion.

Only buy items (from passively acquired gold) that increase move speed, and therefore deaths. But make sure that every kill goes to the Intermediate Bot. Round 1 victor is whoever dies the most times to this bot.

If done correctly, the bot will eventually gain a significant level and item advantage, and amass a 700g bounty. When the bot reaches level 18 or an inhibitor turret, proceed to Round 2.

Round 2: A Fall From Glory

With the team’s acquired movement speed item(s), they must now take down the monster they created. This will not be too difficult, considering the enemy is still a bot, but it may require more than one person (depending on the team’s skill).

Round 2 can be anywhere from a few seconds to many minutes. Players can immediately kill the bot, or they can begin to farm up and acquire more movement speed items before starting the battle.

However, only one winner can emerge. Whoever kills the bot and claims the bounty first wins the round.

If the bot destroys the Nexus during this round, Round 1 is invalidated and everyone loses. If one player wins Rounds 1 and 2, they win the game.


If needed, a Round 3 tiebreaker will commence after a short shopping period. Once again, the team’s movement speed items are key. Starting at allied spawn, finalists will race into the enemy spawn well in a classic game of Draft Racing. The first to die wins.

Sometimes, the enemy bot will manage to destroy the Nexus before the Draft Race is complete. In this case, whoever made it the furthest wins. If the race had not yet begun, the person who gained the most CS during Round 2 wins. 

Strategy Considerations

One interesting part of Raid Boss is planning for the variance in challenges. There is a wide set of skills a champion would need to win every challenge, including speed, a jump, and the ability to kill with move speed items, perhaps only one (or none at all).

However, players could also skip Round 3 altogether if they bank on winning the first two. Which rounds are best to plan for, or which champions can do it all? (As with Smite Fight, consider adding a rule of one champion ban per player.)

There is also an in-round strategy to consider. Take Round 2: is it better to farm up alone in a side lane and risk missing the kill? Or try to fight other players for the farm near the boss? Will players miss the chance to kill by being too early and weak, or miss the chance to kill by accidentally being too late?

Only one strategy will prevail – choose wisely. 

Alternate Styles of Play

One Raid Boss consideration is that it does not work if the team is too skilled or is tryharding. If the team still kills the bot with ease and instantly ends the game, try making a volunteer the raid boss next time. See if they can ascend to PvP victory with a level and item advantage, but a team deficit. 

Or, have every player decide on a balanced Raid Boss champion before the game. Then, randomly assign who will play as the Raid Boss. Have the rest of the team play random champions, or let them pick depending on the relative skill levels of the group.

In either of these cases, complete Round 1 as previously described for setup. But for Round 2, have an epic battle in the river instead – either the Raid Boss or the team wins.

For players that found the original Raid Boss bot too challenging, perhaps let the team build a regular item or two, try a beginner bot, or begin the fight earlier. 


Ultimately, a foundation is here, but it is up to each player group to decide the best balance. Toy around with the ideas – add some things, remove others. As long as everyone has fun, it will be a team victory.

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