In Civ 7, players will be able to earn Mementos for the various Leaders in the game, which give you bonuses for different aspects of your gameplay. These are earned from playing Civ 7 games and will provide players with even more ways to min-max their strategy and come up with some even more powerful Civ and Leader combinations. Here’s everything we know about Mementos so far.
Mementos are a new feature in Civ 7 that allows players to add additional bonuses to their Leaders before starting a game. They are earned from playing games and can be used in standard and multiplayer matches. The devs have stated that they will not be purchasable or earned in a Battle Pass format; they will only be earned from playing Civ 7 games.
There are over 100 Mementos in Civ 7, with an incredibly wide range of bonuses that they can provide. These should prove to add immense depth to the ways in which players can customize their playthroughs, adding a lot of good replay value to Civ 7.
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According to devs:
“Mementos… are probably the biggest addition earned through Legends. Essentially, Mementos are equipment that you can attach to your leader’s open Memento Slots during game setup. Like a piece of gear on an RPG character, Mementos provide a broad array of bonus effects when equipped…
One thing to keep in mind: while Mementos earned by leveling up a particular Leader Path might have natural synergies with their historical owner’s core abilities, you can actually assign any Memento with any leader. This means that after earning the Joyeuse Memento with Charlemagne, you could start up a new game as Ashoka with the Frankish Emperor’s legendary gold-hilted sword at your side. This allows the Joyeuse’s ‘Increased Happiness per Cavalry Unit’ effect to synergize nicely with Ashoka’s inherent Dhammaraja Leader Ability which grants bonus Food by way of excess Happiness!”
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We are excited to see all of the different Mementos in Civ 7 when the game officially releases on February 11th. Until then, stay tuned for more Civilization news and updates here at The Game Haus.
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