There were a lot of surprises at The Game Awards, but one that really was unexpected was Rematch Football. This game sees you and four others playing football/soccer like Rocket League. If that interests you, then join us as we dive deeper into what this game is all about. Here is a look at the Rematch Football Release Date.
[Related: What are the Rematch Football Pre Order Bonuses?]
As of writing this, Rematch Football does not have a Release Date.
Seeing as it is a smaller game and it looked like the in-game engine for the most part was ready, it would be a surprise if this game did not release in 2025. The only reason might be if the playtests do not go as planned. Considering it will require five players on each team and not just one person controlling one while a computer does the other, this could be a bit trickier than players may think. But for now it looks as though it will be sometime in the summer of 2025.
As of now it is not known if Rematch Football will be on Game Pass.
The game will be available on Steam and on Xbox Series X|S. Normally that at least leaves the door open for a game to be on Game Pass. With the release date not known yet, it makes it even more difficult to predict. That being said, we will have a very good idea of the answer to this question once the release date is revealed as normally a game like this would be a Day One release.
Basically, Rematch Football’s Gameplay is Rocket League but no cars.
This is certainly an interesting shift and it will be worth watching to see if they can grab that group of players. More likely, they will be hoping to get FIFA players interested. FIFA is still one of the biggest games and money-makers in the world. If they could get even a fraction of those players to give this game a chance then they would be able to invest more into it.
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