A new Pokemon Scarlet and Violet trailer has dropped Pokemon fans. While there weren’t a whole lot of new things, a Pokemon evolution was dropped in Farigiraf and more on the Tera raids were explained. However, something trainers are ecstatic to know is the presence of trainer customization in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. These games might be high contenders for having the best customization in the series.
[Related: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Picnics Revealed]
At first glance, the customization looks the same way it did in Legends Arceus. The customization screen shows multiple styles for hair, along with another section for hair color. Trainers will have access to styles such as Slicked Back, Ponytail, and other typical designs.
But, in the next shot, the trailer shows viewers that they will be able to change their eye color. Trainers do this through the use of colored lenses. They also have the ability to change their eyelashes, wear makeup, and more.
One last thing players will get to do is show off their swag in profile photos. Using a camera app on the Rotom Phone, players can take posed photos on their journey with their Pokemon. They can then make one of the said photos their profile picture on their trainer card in the game.
Not only will Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have trainer customization, but it looks like it will offer more than it did in previous generations. While it’s still a bit lacking of the depth that other RPGs on its level have, Pokemon is still making gen 9 out to be one of the best gens to come. The community cannot wait to go out and try different looks.
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