In an unexpected but welcome surprise, the Pokemon company revealed an all-new game and potential series during its latest Pokemon Presents. Pokemon Legends Arceus was revealed as a game that would take players back in time where the first-ever Pokedex was made in the Sinnoh region. This came alongside the announcement for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl. Now the question is, what is the release date for Pokemon Legends Arceus?
[Related: Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Remakes Confirmed]
In what was a surprising reveal and one that may have even overshadowed the Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl release date and reveal, Pokemon Legends Arceus brings a lot of new things to the Pokemon series.
For starters, it is seemingly bringing even more open-world to the Pokemon series. This was seen in Sword and Shield along with their DLC but not to this extent. The game feels like it will be completely open-world. While the battling seemed very similar to the mainline games, the catching of Pokemon was not. It was much more like Pokemon Go or Pokemon Lets Go. Whether players will actually have to battle Pokemon before catching them yet is not known.
As for the release, they revealed that Pokemon Legends Arceus would be coming out in early 2022. The exact date is not yet known.
This means that Pokemon fans will be getting quite a bit of content. With Pokemon Unite likely releasing sometime in 2021, the New Pokemon Snap release date coming up, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl coming at the end of the year and now Pokemon Legends Arceus as well, fans will have plenty of games to play. Four games in one year (five if D&P are separated) is amazing for fans and it is something that has not been done by Pokemon before.
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