The Pokemon card craze has been something that is taking the world by storm. Now stores like Target and Walmart are no longer carrying the new Pokemon cards in some of their locations due to the way people have been acting. That said, Pokemon are continuing to push out more and more sets or expansions of their uber-popular card game. The next expansion to be released has already been confirmed to be Chilling Reign which begs the question, what is the Pokemon TCG Chilling Reign release date?
This set will focus on the last dlc expansion to Pokemon Sword and Shield, The Crown Tundra. Calyrex was the major Pokemon for this region with Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres also being a huge draw. This was because this dlc was mostly focused on bringing in a ton of the legendary Pokemon that were not in the original Sword and Shield release.
When looking at the potential list of cards for Chilling Reign it wouldn’t be overly surprising to see a lot of different legendaries. The reason being that many of them have not been in card sets for quite some time. Currently, there are expected to be around 198 cards in this set according to PokeBeach.com.
Here is the card list of the Pokemon that will be Chilling Reign so far.
Now for those wondering what is the Pokemon TCG Chilling Reign release date? It has been confirmed that Chilling Reign will be released on June 18, 2021.
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