The new anime Battle Royal game has steadily risen in popularity — offering an incredibly fun gameplay experience utilizing the My Hero brand name. Although the gameplay itself is rather strong, there are other aspects of the game weighing it down. One such thing is the matchmaking, which is fraught with issues.
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Many steam players have reported a game bug where matchmaking just breaks. Players are left in queue for what appears like an eternity, often resulting in a waiting lobby of literally 1/8 teams filled. The team is stuck in this waiting room for well past ten minutes on average during this bug.
Some may assume there are simply no players playing the game, and that the game is dead on PC. But this is definitely not the case. From the Steam player charts, it indicates there are over 10,000 players in the game. Therefore, it’s not a case of literal no players.
Ranked Mode Somewhat Safe
It appears the issue is mostly for casual matches. Once the wait gets too long, the teams are filled with bots. Ranked matches seem to be mostly clear of this issue, making it the go to mode for PC players to spam. But the issue with this is the ranked system rewards even losers, so often a player’s rank continues to climb despite their actual placement in the battle royal.
What results is My Hero Ultra Rumble Matchmaking creates a punishing system for players wanting to look for casual fun in the game. It’s unclear whether or not this issue persists in other platforms, but it’s definitely a massive problem on My Hero Ultra Rumble PC.
The community is in an uproar over the issues, which effectively prevents players from playing and enjoying the game. “Literally sitting in a lobby for about 10 minutes for it to be populated by bots…. Then when I do find some damn players its always the same ones what is going on is this dead already!?!” one player asked in the game’s discussion board.
To mitigate the issue, players should try restarting their game. This is a short term solution, which the author has tried himself to relative success.
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