Mortal Kombat 1 has recently revealed six upcoming DLC characters to be included in the Kombat Pack 1. The six new additions are more brutal than the last, but does this mean that everyone’s favorite Vaught-owned superhero Homelander is in Mortal Kombat 1?
Homelander is in fact in Mortal Kombat 1. From the hit action superhero series The Boys, Homelander makes his appearance on the battleground. This isn’t Homelanders first rodeo into the gaming verse as he has a crossover with Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. In terms of fighting style, it’s speculated that it will be similar to Superman’s but with a bit more brutality. As ruthless as he is in the show, many are excited to see what he can do.
Another “superhero” being added to the DLC pack is Omni Man. Much like Homelander, Omni man is even more ruthless and brutal with not only his morals but fighting style as well. Fans of the Invincible comics and animated show can look forward to breaking havoc on their opponents soon.
Even though his name is Peacemaker, he’s a pretty violent vigilante. HBO’s Peacemaker adds a bit of DC Comic representation. Represented by John Cena, Peacemaker is an expert at using firearms and almost any weapon that he can get his hands on. To keep the peace he’ll do whatever it takes.
Quan Chi is no stranger to the Mortal Kombat series. Being one of the main antagonists for the franchise for a while now, his villainy knows no limits. His character being a DLC character is a little weird for some as they expected him to be a base character. Regardless, the necromancer is ready to make his return.
Ermac much like Quan Chi is another character that most feel like should’ve been on the main roster. Featured in the previous titles, Ermac played a main role in the story as he was created by Shao Kahn to follow his lead. Using magical abilities like telekinesis, Ermac is a force to be reckoned with.
Son of Kenshi, Takeda makes his return to the Mortal Kombat series. Like Ermac, Takeda does have telekinetic abilities, but he primarily uses his bladed whips and plasma sword to do some extensive damage to his opponents.
Stay tuned for more gaming content, including updates to Mortal Kombat 1 and newly released titles.
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