The new Saints Row Fast Travel has every gamer’s favorite feature in an open-world game. Fast travel. While it’s included in the game it isn’t made aware to the player how to exactly use fast travel in Saints Row. How to unlock and use fast travel in Saints Row.
Starting out in Saints Row the only fast travel location made available is the Saints Headquarters which is the church. While the church is the only location starting out there are many more locations that can be unlocked. In order to unlock more locations, all gamers need to do is explore. There is no specific pattern for these locations as all other fast travel points are scattered around Santo Ileso.
Fast travel locations are discoverable by Photo Hunt activities. Photo Hunts are photo ops of different landmarks and locations of Santo Ileso. Once players reach a designated photo op location look on the map to see what exactly the player needs to get a picture of. Open up the camera app on the phone. The point of interest has to be lined up to take a complete shot. The phone will notify the player if they are uncentered, too close, or too far. Once the camera frame turns green the picture is available to be snapped. Once a photo of the landmark is snaped the Photo Hunt will finally be completed. Upon completion, the location will now be available for fast travel.
These locations will take time to discover as gamers will have to be exploring Santo Ileso to uncover the Photo Hunt Locations.
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