Playing games online has now become the norm and is ever-growing with more and more online game concepts being released daily.
Video games are what tend to spring to mind when we think of online gaming. However, online gaming is everywhere; Facebook games, mobile apps and casino games all provide an online gaming experience.
The fastest-growing platforms for online gaming continue to be video games and online casinos. These are both online gaming platforms but provide very different experiences.
If online casino gaming appeals to you, you can check out casino.guide to find the very best places to play by way of objective reviews and expert analysis. Gambling for money is a thrilling experience. A look at the bare figures reveals that online gambling is the most important niche of the online gaming industry. But also video games are really important for the branch and guarantee high revenues for the game development studios.
If you’re looking to try online video games, this article will go through 2 of the best: Fortnite and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Games are usually popular for a reason: because they are awesome and people love them.
To give you an idea of just how popular these games are, Fortnite currently has over 350 million registered users and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was the biggest selling video game of 2019. Modern Warfare also boasts more total players than any Call of Duty game for the last six years.
Such popularity means there is a huge player base, which is key for games with such a large online component. It means you won’t have any problem finding a game and should always be joined by people of all skill levels.
Free-to-play games have become more common in recent years. However, it is much less common to find ones that are actually good enough to offer hours of playtime.
Fortnite is one of the rare free-to-play games that has continued to evolve over time with new seasons and new in-game items becoming available regularly. According to this Fortnite playtime tracker, some players have spent over 400 days of in-game time playing the game.
In recent years, Call of Duty has become more know for its’ online game modes with them becoming so popular that the game has its own E-sports league.
This shift towards multiplayer gameplay has led to many gamers being disappointed with the single-player modes in some Call of Duty titles. The previous CoD game, Black Ops 4 didn’t even have a traditional single-player campaign mode.
Fortunately, the game has returned to its’ former single-play campaign glory with the 2019 release of Modern Warfare. Not only is a campaign included, but it’s also an experience that harks back to an earlier CoD era, both in terms of a smart narrative and a nostalgic character return.
Battle royale style games continue to grow and gain popularity among online gamers.
The thrill of being plunged on to a huge map, with a boatload of other players from around the world, with the same weapons (usually none at all), having to scavenge for gear and fight it out to be the last player standing draws millions of players to these games every day.
Fortnite has become synonymous with its, quirky, cartoon-style battle royale game mode and it provides a uniquely fun and, at times, whacky experience.
However, some gamers might prefer a more realistic style of gameplay from a battle royale game. This is where Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s latest game mode, Warzone, comes in to play.
Warzone, like Fortnite, is a free-to-play battle royale game but that’s pretty much where the similarities stop. As you’d expect from a CoD game, Warzone’s aesthetic and tactical style provides more realism but it doesn’t detract from the enjoyment.
If you’re into battle royale games, both Fortnite and Modern Warfare provide a different experience so its well worth giving them both a go. After all, they are free!
Playing online games like Fortnite and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a great way to keep yourself connected with your friends. They can even be excellent ways of interacting with new people and forming new bonds.
This social element to the game is currently more important than ever with social distancing and restrictions in play all over the world during this pandemic. If you can’t visit your friend in-person, coming together with a party of friends in these games can be an excellent substitute.
Video games like Fortnite and Call of Duty are one part of the online gaming world and they may not be for everybody but that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy online games.
Online casinos are another form of gaming online that have also been gaining in popularity. Like video games, online casinos allow you to play against others around the globe and interact with them over your favourite casino games.
Roulette, Blackjack, Poker and even slots can all be played online. The difference with a casino game compared to a traditional video game is that you’ll be able to stake and win real money. Many online casinos now also offer the option to play without real cash for the more risk-averse.
Playing for money adds a different element of excitement that gamers don’t tend to get during a video game.
Online casino players also don’t have to worry about the etiquette that goes along with setting foot inside of a real casino. There’s no anxiety about being judged by seasoned regulars.
You’ll also be able to game virtually anywhere thanks to the use of laptops, tablets and mobile devices. All of which have played a role in the recent popularity boost of online casino gaming.
If you’re looking for something slightly different in your online gaming than what a video game can offer, why not try your luck at an online casino?
This is a paid guest post.