Season 8 of Apex Legends has been a pretty good one to say the least. The game brought in Fuze, who has certainly been lighting things up. Also, it brought a solid new gun and some good events. But now Apex Legends Season 8 is nearing its end and with that, players may be wondering, when does Apex Legends Season 9 start?
Apex Legends continues to be a growing game not just within the game itself, but also on the outside. The fandom keeps growing and for many, they are making their way to Respawn’s Battle Royale over the many other options such as Fortnite or PUBG. This is for a multitude of reasons but one that sticks out most is the gameplay.
In its current state, Apex Legends is a great mix of Overwatch in terms of all the characters having abilities mixed with traditional FPS games like Call of Duty or even PUBG. This marriage of both is what seems to drive players to it. Well, that and the fact that it is a free game unlike the other three games just mentioned.
There is no doubt that the continual updates and events since its surprising launch have also contributed to Apex Legends’ success. Now with it nearing the end of its eighth season already, there are plenty of interesting rumors surrounding the ninth season.
Some of them include Titans coming over from Respawn’s title that Apex Legends was partially based on, Titanfall. This would definitely be quite the crossover but not something that fans would be overly surprised by.
Either way, for those who are wondering when Season 9 will be starting, it has already been revealed that Apex Legends Season 9 will be starting on May 4. So make sure to grind out as many games as possible before the new season starts.
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