Apex Legends has been doing new seasons since their launch. The game was one of the first to be free and offer these types of events. Now they are heading into their fourteenth season, which normally lasts about three months. This will be the second to last one of the year. Here is when the Apex Legends Season 14 Start Date will be.
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With every new season comes a brand new Legend. This time it will be Vantage and she will certainly be bringing a unique set of abilities with her. Not only will she be recon but she will be able to see opponents from quite a bit away. Also she will be the first Legend in the game to have her own unique sniper rifle that she will be able to use like Rampart.
So far there has not been a new weapon that has been announced. Normally with every other season or so, a new weapon is added to the game. So far, this has been the longest drought of new weapons. It has spanned the last two seasons, 12 and 13. That means there has not been a new weapon since the C.A.R back in 2021.
Regardless a new season means more grinding and a brand new battle pass as well. There is not doubt that fans will be excited to see what is coming next for the immensely popular battle royale.
The Apex Legends Season 14 Start Date will be at the end of Apex Legends Season 13 or right around August 9, 2022.
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