As the Apex Legends Global Series started, they revealed something brand new for Apex Legends Mobile. What is interesting is that ALGS is on PC but they still did the latest reveal for mobile. It would seem likely that they may reveal the next Legend, who is rumored to be named Vantage, this weekend as well. Either way, the next exclusive Legend coming will be Rhapsody in Apex Legends Mobile.
[Related: Rhapsody Apex Legends Release Date]
Apex Legends Mobile has certainly taken off. Many people expected this once they launched but it came quite a while after other Battle Royales went on mobile. Catching up to PUBG and Fornite, Apex Legends has seemed very content to do their own thing. This includes going free to play and essentially coming out of nowhere. They combined the hero aspect of Overwatch and brought it to battle royales.
With Apex Legends going to mobile, many wondered if there might be exclusive Legends added to the game. Fade was one and now Rhapsody is on her way. She was not expected as there had not been any leaks substantiating a new reveal.
Respawn are always updating their games. In fact, they do every few months. This allows for them to add new content which includes new Legends. What will be interesting is to see if some PC Legends become exclusive or if mobile exclusives like Rhapsody end up eventually going to PC. This seems to be their way of trying to get people to play both versions of the game.
Either way, Rhapsody will be coming to Apex Legends Mobile with the next season. This is supposed to be on July 12, 2022.
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