The Apex Legends Wingman is one of the most well-known weapons in the game. Since the release of Apex Legends, players have been drawn to the high-damage pistol capable of long-range combat. The Wingman is a powerful gun, so in Season 14 it is receiving a nerf by an unexpected reclassification.
[Related: What is the Apex Legends Season 14 Start Date?]
In the new season, the Wingman will be categorized as a sniper class weapon. The pistol now requires sniper ammo and sniper stocks. However, players will not be able to equip sniper scopes to the Wingman. This is a significant nerf because sniper ammo can only be carried in stacks of 24. Previously as a heavy weapon, Wingman ammo could be carried in stacks of 60. Now players have to choose their shots carefully with less than half the ammo per stack.
The Wingman isn’t the only weapon switching classes. The popular heavy LMG Spitfire will change to a light weapon. This update shouldn’t change the power of the Spitfire too much. Mostly it evens out the number of heavy and light weapons. Last season heavy weapons dominated the loot pool and outnumbered light guns. The gun reclassifications are just a small part of the exciting new season.
A new legend, map changes, and more equipment updates are also on their way. This season will certainly bring change, whether that is good or not is still to be seen. Players will have to jump in and see for themselves.
All of these changes go live when Apex Legends Season 14 starts on August 9.
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