In 2023, most gamers and non-gamers alike have heard of Fortnite. Currently there are over 8 million gamers logging into the game causing in-game queues up to 15 minutes. Why are so many logging into the game? Why Is Everyone Playing Fortnite?
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As of recent Fortnite has gone into what’s called “OG Fortnite”. This is a special chapter of the title that allows gamers to play the game as if it first launched back in 2018, Chapter 1 to be more specific. A majority of the old weapons, vehicles, and even the old map have made a return, and with every update comes a different phase of Chapter 1. While some gamers return for nostalgia purposes, others log into Fortnite for the very first time to see what all the buzz and excitement is about.
When dealing with queue times initially folks don’t want to risk doing anything besides waiting to avoid losing their spots in line, but waiting 20 minutes isn’t an enjoyable experience either so what other options are there? Speaking from personal experience upon finishing the update, there was a 15-minute wait to even log into Fortnite. Fueled by both nostalgia and impatience, the game was immediately closed out and opened backed up. Once re-opened, the queue was still present, however instead of there being a 15-minute wait, it turned into a 5-minute one, almost as if the line was cut. The queue isn’t skipped entirely but shaving off any time is a positive.
Performing this method is a gamble, however. As mentioned there are 3,300,000 players both new and old all trying to play Fortnite, meaning the servers are going to be sluggish. Players have been reporting that even when queue times have been completed, another one would begin, the game would crash, or an error message would pop up. A queue could be 10 minutes and if the method is performed, players may be greeted with a 20-minute queue instead of a lower one.
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