The hardest part of any Fortnite season is figuring out where to land. New POI’s are spread across the map each season and players are very quick to judge them. Most players will land at the new spots a few times and fall back into their old habits. In order to play well and adapt, players need to learn new strategy at new places. New point of interest strategies will help players get an advantage in any end game situation they may encounter in these places.
In-game capture of Lazy Lagoon by Nicholas Rivera
Lazy Lagoon is a beautiful spot on the map featuring a ship and a port. The best spot to land is by far the ship. The backside of the ship has chests everywhere, and floor loot spawns as well. Loot is plentiful all throughout the ship, but a good part is in the back. Players who want to win the boat need to land there and work to the bottom and to the front. In the last level of the ship there is plenty of pallets to get wood, as well as the front decorative piece of the ship, which grants around 200.
Once players get off the ship, there are a few options. Looting the buildings is a good start, but there isn’t much in them and they are usually a lot of trouble to loot. Anchors and the fountain grant lots of materials though, so make sure to mine those. Players can also head to the beach on the opposite side of the ship and loot the chests there. Up to three chests can spawn on the beach and two in the water, so if the player lands late that’s the spot to be. Once it is time to rotate, the cannons allow for easy rotations. From Dusty Divot to volcano, it’s easy to go just about anywhere on that half of the map.
In-game capture of Sunny Steps by Nicholas Rivera
Sunny Steps is a great spot to go for squads and large team games. Located in the top right corner of the map, Sunny Steps offers a lot of pyramid and hollow wall structures. The pyramids have lots of levels and are hard to loot fast since there is loot all around each level. The floor spawns and chests are everywhere, but this spot has a few downsides.
Sunny Steps is a landing where teamwork is key. It is easy to separate in all the tunnels and corridors, making it easy for enemies to single squadmates out. In solo game modes where players do not have to worry about a team, looting can take a while. With so many spots to check and enemies all around, caution is the best route. Enemies will be above and below all the time, so it is important to pick smart fights to avoid being caught in a firefight. The rotations for this spot are great, especially the zip line going up the volcano. Just know Sunny Steps is a landing players will spend some time at if they are not familiar yet in order to loot effectively.
In-game capture of the Volcano front side by Nicholas Rivera
The volcano is a spot where mobility is everywhere. While this is not a named location, it offers a lot of advantages to players. Landing inside the volcano has up to four chests, with another possible near the top. On the side of the hill, there is a building with lots of loot and cannons covering the top. The cannons allow faster rotations anywhere around such as retail and are a great way to quickly escape a fight. The front side of the volcano also has lots of chests for players to loot, and vents everywhere as well.
For players who want to stay quieter and are not interested in the open area, there is another spot. On the left side of the volcano is the ruins of Tomato Temple. While no longer a named location, there is still a temple with a few side pieces players can loot. Brick and metal are plentiful around the volcano, so materials are also not an issue. The volcano is a great spot to land for solos and is usually pretty empty since players do not know how to loot it well.
In-game capture of Volcano back side by Nicholas Rivera
Behind the volcano and Sunny Steps lies a wasteland of forgotten buildings. In the woods, there are three hangers that have been taken over by overgrown brush and vines. Inside there are lots of chest spawns and floor loot is spotty. Not a ton of loot here, but for scrims and slow play situations, these spots often go untouched. Next to the hangers there is a dead zone with pools of water and vents. There is not much loot but if a player is desperate, the pools are often unlooted as well. While these are not POI’s, they offer great rotations from Sunny Steps and Lazy Lagoon. These are not the only buildings on the new spot unmarked, but they are the largest.
In-game capture of The Block by Nicholas Rivera
The Block is a Fortress currently being featured that has a lot of extreme factors. As an initial landing spot, it is not good at all. There are very few chests and floor loot spawns, but there is a guaranteed golden chest in the basement. That chest is the only silver lining as a landing spot as far as guns go. The Block is usually empty since the loot spawns are very low and it is way too big to get around. For slowplay, it could work, but it is very time-consuming to loot.
For materials on the other hand, there is enough for any player who needs them. In the basement of The Block, there are stone tables and wooden chairs large enough to supply material for a squad, easily. There are rooms full of chairs, bookshelves, there’s just no way players could leave without max wood and brick. Rotations to Pleasant Park are good but slow, and there is a good chance it will be empty before the player arrives. The next Block will hopefully have a better medium of loot and materials.
Feature Image Courtesy of @_NicholasRivera
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